Tuesday, December 19, 2017

ONW NOW sophomore edition

This assignment was to produce a sophomore edition of ONW NOW.  First we had to create stories for ONW NOW. This process was pretty easy because everything was holiday themed. Unfortunately our main holiday package had to be pulled because it was not done in time. The production turned out ok. We kept the storyboard pretty simple to get it all done in time. As for the actual production, overall it went pretty well. We had to do one extra run-through, which was not planned but it ended up benefiting our team after all. There has been no editing on my part for this production that I know of. 

Andrew S and I were assigned the intro and outro. I think the intro and outro was very creative, and Andrew added nice graphics to the intro. The way this project turned out I ran the soundboard. I had to also work on production team. This project kept all of us very busy but we pulled it off. I think our team needs to work on communication. I think we did well on the actual production, even though everyone was stressed about it because it was our final.

Overall I thought the project turned out well. We had a couple of stressful moments but it went well. Again we could have done a better job of communicating. The production turned out really well. 

Friday, December 15, 2017

Animation final

Semester 1 Final - Reflection 


I learned how to use multiple layers. I also learned how to use filters and textures. Mr. Netterville taught use how to create multiple planes for animation. It consists of multiple layers on top of each other. I also learned hoe to use textures in after effect. I choose this project because this is one of them that I'm most proud of out of all my projects. Some of my other projects got messed up while rendering and I'm not so proud of them. I think my greatest strengths are my attention to detail and my backgrounds. My greatest weaknesses are my time management and my distressing mechanisms when I get frustrated because after a while I give up when I get discouraged.

Walk cycle

I learned how to use a null object during this project and also how to use the parent tool. Mr. Olson taught use how to parent a layer to another so that if the "parent" object moves the layer that is connected to it follows.I have also learned how to move a character across the stage in after effects. I learned how to scan a drawing into the computer and how to work with it in photoshop. I picked this project because I really like the character I created for this project, I'm not so proud of the background because I made it too simple and didn't size it correctly. My greatest strength is again my attentionn to detail and my time management, or at least on this project. This project I think was the project I used my time wisely in after effects.

Intro to Maya 

I learned how to work in Maya because the was the first project in Maya. I learned how to dulipacate and move shapes in Maya. I also learned how to resize and rotate shapes and the view in Maya. Mr Netterville taught use the basics of Maya in the last couple weeks. I picked this project because I have  just started Maya and I don't have other projects to reflect on, and I can show how I have grown from one project to another. My greatest strengths for this project was my time management. I got this project done in a day.  I was able to follow along with Mr. Netterville's instructions very easily.

Maya Castle

I learned how to use booleans and face mode in this project. Mr. Netterville taught me how to use the face mode and I find it pretty interesting how faces of an object move. I also learned how to apply lamberts to my shapes using seamless textures. I like being able to apply materials to my work because it gives my projects more character. My greatest strengths were my ability to understand how to move my shapes.  I also did well on my time management, I got done a day early which I was really happy about because then I was able to help my classmates. Im surprised I was able to get done so early  because my project got deleted twice. My weaknesses where how frustrated I got when my project kept getting deleted. I don't know how I have improved because I have not started any new projects. 

I have gotten better at time management lately but I still turn in most of my projects late because of my detail. I would like to apply all the skills in the 2D world and 3D world to one single animation to create a concise and interesting animation next semester. If I can I would come n during power 50 to work on my projects and try to get caught up faster. I would change this because I get behind easily. I think overall I have done well this semester, but I think there is still a lot of room for growth and strength in the skills I have already learned. I have built a good support network with my classmates to help each other out and give suggestions. My thought process for these animations do not come when I am first assigned the animation most of the time I get an idea in the middle of then night or some other time during the day that is not animation. Most of the time this happens it is frustrating and then sometimes I forget about it. 

Monday, December 4, 2017

Story Animation

This was my first story animation. This animation is about a seed who wants to go meet her friends but can't because they are not home, so she goes back home. She goes to bed and later gets up and walks outside to go see her friends. The scene starts outside of her house and goes to her room. She walks through the living room to get outside.

I had a really tough time with this project because I had to work on another computer and save it to the server and it ended up becoming so messed up that I had to restart. I was very far behind on this project because I was gone. Next time I will not work on another computer unless I absolutely have too. I would also not get into so much detail in my backgrounds because that is what got me so far behind.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Multi plane

What was this project?

This project was where I created a multi plane scene. In my "setting" it feels like you are viewing while you are moving for instance walking and the scene is still like in real life.

What did I learn?

I learned how to use multiple layers. I also learned how to use filters and textures. 

How did it go/ what would I do differently?

This was the easiest project I have done so far and I feel like I used my time well. I think if I hadn't been sick it would have been one of my only projects that would have been during the time given to work on this. 

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Walk cycle

What was this project?

This project was where I created a character and had it walk across the screen. This was done by drawing a character then scanning it into the computer, editing it in photoshop and then creating a walk cycle in after effects. The characters feet would move taking the rest of his body with it. 

What did I learn?

I learned how to use a null object during this project and also how to use the parent tool. I also learned that after affects is not my favorite software in the world. 

How did it go/ what would I do differently?

I think overall this project went well and I used my time wisely. I think out of all the project I have done so far this was my project that I used my time well on, I wasn't behind. Something I would do differently is I would break apart my image before scanning it into the computer. Something I would do the same is I would use a nice simple background. 

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Inchworm Project

What was the project?

This project was where we made an inchworm that moved across the screen in after effects. The inchworm would scrunch up in the middle and slide back down inching across the screen. The worm would repeat this motion all the way across the screen until it disappears from sight. 

What did I learn?

With this project I learned how to use the puppet pin tool. I also learned how to makes arcs better and how to make a complete character move and not just a ball. 

How did it go? What would I do differently?

   Overall the project went well as far as I was concerned. I thought I used my time wisely. Something I would differently next time is that I would make my inchworm aa solid line instead of different colored circles all connected together to make it more convincing.  Something I would do the same is to use the same placing for the puppet pin tool. 

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Bouncing Ball animation

What was the project? 

       This project was the first animation of sophomore year.  I had to create bouncy ball with a background and grass. This project was the first time using after affects. For this project we used most basic principles of animation such as squash and stretch and arcs. To start we created different layers for the sky, clouds, front portion of grass and a back portion of grass. We also had to make a bouncy ball and to do this we had to create a round appearance. Then we took the project into after affects where we made the actual animation. We had to set key frames for when the ball would hit the ground which you would squash the ball and then when it would come off the ground which you would stretch the ball to its original shape.

What did you learn?

        What I learned from this project is how to work with after affects and how to with photoshop. I learned how to make arcs and use the basic principles of animation. I also. learned how to make key frames. I learned timing as well.

How did it go? What would I do differently?

   Overall the project went well as far as I was concerned. I thought I used my time wisely. Something I would differently next time is that I would use different shades of green for the grass. Something I would do the same is that I would use the same effects I did for the bouncy ball. 

Monday, September 11, 2017

Photoshop tutorial


  While working on photoshop tutorials I learned how to use photoshop. I did different projects to learn different tools and these projects built on one another, for example the tool that I used for the third project which was the clone stamp tool was also used in the fourth project that I did.

   Key tools 

 From these photoshop tutorials I have learned how to use different tools in photoshop like the spot healing brush, healing brush, how to blend, how to take other images and combine them into a collage and how to add small details to pictures.

Favorite tool

      My favorite tool that I learned as the patch tool because you can correct discoloration and fix small mistakes to where they are no longer noticeable. This tool will be valuable in the future because the patch tool was used a lot in just a few projects I can only imagine how often I will use it in the future.

Strengths and weaknesses

    My strength in photoshop I would say would be using the patch tool because it is simple and fixes many mistakes. My weakness is lining the photos up together exactly and making them blend together well.

What would I do differently?

    If I could do this project differently I would use my time better and be caught up. I would defiantly change my work ethic for these tutorials because I was not able to complete them all. 

What would I do the same?

   Something that I would keep the same if were to do this again is the attention to detail and watching the tutorials repeatedly to make sure I was doing the project correctly. Would keep this the same because although I was not able to finish all of the tutorials I am proud of the work I did in the ones I completed. 


     I thought overall this project went pretty well, although I was not able to complete the project, which was 100% my own fault, I am proud of the work I did complete. I would like to be able to complete the rest of the projects when I get the chance to further my knowledge in photoshop and gain the experience. 


2020 Reel

My 2020 film reel is about fun and friendships. It includes some b roll that I have taken on vacations, the short films I have worked on, a...