Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Snowflake animation

What did you learn?

In this project I learned how to render without default settings for the first time in Maya.  To animate this I had to make a wall with a window and snowflakes. I learned how to use the create a polygon tool and the duplicate special command. After spending a large amount of time on creating each individual snowflake and making it look more realistic it was time to create the wall. This was fairly simple to do, all I had to do was create a plane then extrude where I wanted the window to be and make it transparent. After this I had to begin rendering. Rendering without default settings for the first time was pretty easy to do all I had to do was change it to a jpeg and change the end time to 240. Other than that the rest was already done for me through the program. After rendering, which went really quick surprisingly, I took this project into aftereffects to animate it. The first time I tried to animate it I messed something up so I had to start this part over which was no big deal.

What would I do the same/change?

For this project I think I keep that I was able to get it done in a normal amount of time. I payed attention to the directions very closely this time and it made the project really easy to do. I would change that I wasted most of my time creating the snowflakes because I got to perfectionist. 

Ice cream animation

What did you learn?

In this project I learned how to animate in Maya for the first time.  To animate this I had to make a tray and set all of the ice cream items on the tray and placed it on the table. The next step was to make the tray turn. This was fairly simple to do, all I had to do was group the tray and everything on it and then rotate it. After rendering, which took a while, I took this project into aftereffects to animate it. The first time around taking a project from Maya to aftereffects was a little confusing. 

What would I do the same/change?

For this project I think I keep my work ethic the same in the fact that I was able to get it done in a normal amount of time. I would change how much attention I pay to the directions and not just wing it. I got a little confused along the way because I wasn't really paying attention to the directions and messed up along the line. I do like how it turned out though. 

2020 Reel

My 2020 film reel is about fun and friendships. It includes some b roll that I have taken on vacations, the short films I have worked on, a...